I am writing this tribute on Thursday the 27th of April-- the birthday of Cuba Gooding senior-- and I am writing it in a country that I...
Let Us Support Our Trade Unions
I am making a CALL for all patriotic and right thinking citizens of Barbados to stand in solidarity with the leaders of the public...
International Colloquium - Life of Fidel
Dedican coloquio internacional sobre la vida y obra de Fidel a la juventud barbadense. Barbados, 24 de febrero. Jóvenes barbadenses de...
Union Joins CNIDOH
El principal sindicato de los trabajadores públicos de Barbados ingresa a la Red EDH Caribe. Barbados, 23 de febrero. En un...
Denny Awarded Medal of Friendship
Otorgan Medalla de la Amistad al Presidente de la Asociación de Amistad Barbados-Cuba. Barbados, 23 de febrero. Propuesta por la...
Reflexions on Fidel
Destacan en Barbados el legado del Comandante en Jefe. Barbados, 23 de febrero. Organizado por el Capítulo Caribe de la Red en Defensa de...
Vote Buying Routine in a Sinking Decaying Barbados
Image Credit: Web Barbados – as we all know – is suffering from a dearth of national political leadership, and is currently in a state of...
Not Puppets, but…
The political experience of former Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Minister of Government Elizabeth Thompson became clearly evident last week...
Barbados Events to Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Fidel Castro
PRESS RELEASE The Barbados- headquartered Caribbean Chapter of the International Network In Defense of Humanity, the Embassy of the...
Barbados Needs a New Government Not A New Central Bank Governor
PRESS RELEASE Barbados' Governor of the Central Bank Dr. Delise Worrel, and Minister of Finance The Honourable Christopher Sinckler...